Teiche Wellness

About Me

I spent years living an inauthentic life. Two marriages to men who were wonderful and not right for me. A decades long career that put food on the table and a roof over our heads, but I didn’t like it; hated it some days. Everywhere I looked, I was living someone else’s life.

Are you a people pleaser, too?

I had always been a people pleaser, that person who wanted to be liked. People felt comfortable telling me their innermost feelings and there were many who said nice things about me as a person. And, I was miserable inside.

How coaching turned it around for me

Then, I enrolled in a coaching program studying the work of Bob Proctor, one of the earliest human potential coaches from back in the 1970’s. It was through work with my coach that I learned how to tap into what I really wanted and cared about…my authentic self. And, it gave me the courage to leave my marriage in a loving way, become independent and follow the career path of passion.

I’d been a coach my whole adult life. They just didn’t call it that back then. Being a cheerleader, support, accountability partner, and ever learning about nutrition, natural medicine and healing, I was the person my friends and family would reach out to to get advice when they were sick or had found a product and wanted my opinion. Or, just to talk about their life.

Living my truth

Today, after taking seriously the work I want to do and getting certified, I am helping people of all ages discover their authentic selves and get healthier, mind, body and spirit. I’ve amassed wonderful natural tools to assist my clients along their journey to optimal, vibrant health.

And, I am working my calling; walking the walk. I love what I do and that feeling of being aligned with what you’re supposed to be doing…there’s nothing better than that.  Authentic Wellness.