Teiche Wellness


Late Summer Allergies Natural Healing Tips for You and Your Pets
Authentic Wellness

Late Summer Allergies: Natural Relief for You and Your Pets

It’s hard to believe summer is almost over. And, as August rolls into September, late Summer allergies are cropping up in greater and greater numbers and finding natural relief for you and your pets may be much needed right now. Many of you are struggling, experiencing from mildly annoying to downright debilitating symptoms. This is

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Generating more of your own stem cells as you get older is the key to good health and longevity
Authentic Wellness

Stem Cells and Longevity: How to Promote Regeneration in People and Pets

Stem Cells Are The Building Blocks of Life   Stem cells are miraculous. Their unique ability to develop into different cell types makes them crucial for growth, development, and healing in both humans and animals. But, how and why do they affect longevity? Let’s unpack stem cells and longevity, because they are the master cells

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Endocrine Disruptors and how they impact our health and our pets health
Getting Healthier with My Pet

Endocrine Disruptors: Health Risks and Protection Tips for You and Your Pets

In today’s world, we are constantly surrounded by various chemicals and pollutants, many of which we might not even be aware of. Among these hidden hazards are endocrine disruptors—chemicals that can interfere with the delicate hormonal balance in both humans and animals. From everyday household items and personal care products to the food we eat

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Thyroid Symptoms-Hypothyroidism and what to do naturally

Thyroid Symptoms Uncovered: Achieving Balance Through Natural Healing

I’m always tired.  I can’t sleep. I can’t lose weight. I’m anxious or irritable…a lot. If any of these sound like you, you could be suffering from an imbalanced thyroid. Thyroid symptoms are varied for each person; these are some common ones, depending on whether you have hypo or hyperthyroidism. Sometimes, you might be unaware

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