Teiche Wellness

Stem Cells and Longevity: How to Promote Regeneration in People and Pets

Stem Cells Are The Building Blocks of Life


Stem cells are miraculous. Their unique ability to develop into different cell types makes them crucial for growth, development, and healing in both humans and animals. But, how and why do they affect longevity? Let’s unpack stem cells and longevity, because they are the master cells in the body and control a lot when it comes to repair, rejuvenation and feeling and looking younger and more vibrant.

What Exactly Are Stem Cells?


Stem cells are undifferentiated or unassigned cells in the body, capable of turning into specialized cells such as muscle cells, blood cells, and brain cells. They play a fundamental role in the body’s ability to repair and regenerate tissues. There are two primary types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells, which are found in embryos and can turn into any cell type, and adult stem cells, found in tissues and organs, which help maintain and repair the body. But when the body produces more stem cells, as a adult, they go where they are needed most,  and become a part of that organ system.

The Role of Stem Cells in the Body


Stem cells are essential for several bodily functions:

  1. Development and Growth: During embryonic development, stem cells differentiate into various cell types, forming the tissues and organs of the body.
  2. Repair and Regeneration: In adults, stem cells are crucial for repairing damaged tissues and replacing cells that are lost due to injury or disease.
  3. Maintenance: They help maintain the normal turnover of regenerative organs such as blood, skin, and the gut. We know now that all good or poor health stems from the gut microbiome, so having a healthy turnover of cells is crucial to that balance.

Why Stem Cells Are Important for Health


The ability of stem cells to transform into different cell types and regenerate damaged tissues makes them invaluable for both humans and pets. Here are a few reasons why they are so important:

  • Wound Healing: Stem cells facilitate the repair of wounds by regenerating damaged tissues. I was just talking with a health expert the other day about how so many people go in for an operation, their wound isn’t healing the way it’s supposed to, generally because of a compromised immune system and a lack of active stem cells repairing the body. Infection develops, sepsis sets in and, in what was supposed to be a routine procedure, they pass away. It shouldn’t be that way. Today, we know so much and have so many tools at our disposal that help stimulate the body to do its own work; the work it was designed to do.
  • Treating Diseases: Stem cells hold potential for treating various diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.
  • Aging: As organisms age, the efficiency of stem cells decreases, contributing to the aging process and the onset of age-related diseases.

Stem Cells and Aging


One of the challenges of aging is the decline in the number and functionality of stem cells. This reduction impacts the body’s ability to repair and regenerate tissues, leading to slower healing and a higher susceptibility to diseases. Both humans and pets experience a decrease in stem cell production as they age, which is why older individuals and senior animals often take longer to recover from injuries and are more prone to chronic illnesses.

We are born with lots of stem cells in our red bone marrow, which can generate more stem cells. As we age, that red marrow turns into yellow marrow. Yellow marrow does not generate stem cells and our existing stem cells lose regenerative potency. Harvard Stem Cell Institute says, “New evidence indicates that a progressive decline in stem cell frequency and function may significantly contribute to the conditions related to aging, but it is not known why that is.”

In a fascinating article in Science Daily, it goes into possibly why. Stem cells collect what’s called misfolded proteins, which can become toxic to cells if they build up. Our genius stem cells appear to collect these misfolded proteins, gather them together in a group or aggregate, and then they are collectively destroyed by the lysosome (a cell organelle containing digestive enzymes) in a process called aggrephagy.

However, as we age, our stem cells lose their ability to do this progressively, which scientists are now thinking is a big part of age-related illnesses and dis-ease.

As you can see, stimulating our own stem cells to produce more as we age becomes critically important to maintaining good health and longevity. We share this with our pets.

Stimulating Stem Cell Production


While the natural decline in stem cell production with age is inevitable, there are ways to stimulate the body to produce more stem cells:

  1. Healthy Diet: A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can support stem cell health. Foods such as berries, green leafy vegetables with lots of chlorophyll, nuts, and fish are particularly beneficial.
  2. Regular Exercise: Physical activity has been shown to stimulate the production of stem cells. Exercise improves circulation, reduces inflammation, and enhances the environment in which stem cells thrive. Finding the right balance for you of stretching, resistance training, and cardio is important as certain combinations tend to stimulate stem cell production more.
  3. Sleep and Stress Management: Adequate sleep and stress reduction are crucial for stem cell regeneration. Chronic stress and poor sleep can negatively impact stem cell production.
  4. Medical Interventions: Emerging therapies, such as stem cell injections and certain medications, can help boost stem cell production. However, these treatments are very expensive and don’t always work.
  5. Supplements: Some studies suggest that certain supplements, like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and curcumin, may support stem cell health. But, what about making more stems? There is a supplement I came across that triggers the body to produce more of its own stem cells. It’s exciting that we also share the opportunity to do this for our pets.
  6. Avoiding Toxins: Limiting exposure to environmental toxins can help maintain stem cell functionality. In my last post, I talked about endocrine disruptors. These affect our bodies ability to function in many ways, including modulating gene expression, which is important for regulating stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. Supporting the body to produce more stems and to mitigate the oxidative stress from things like endocrine disruptors is vital.
  7. Emerging Therapies: Medical interventions, such as stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine, offer potential ways to boost stem cell production and functionality. And, now, we have supplements that stimulate stem cell production in the body, too.

How Exactly Does This Work?


We know stem cells are fundamental to the health and well-being of us and our pets. They play a critical role in growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues. Understanding how to support and stimulate stem cell production can help mitigate some of the effects of aging and promote better health for us all. A healthy lifestyle is foundational. Without that, no matter what you do or take, your body is still fighting an uphill battle for homeostasis or balance.

And, the exciting opportunity is we now have options to stimulate our own bodies to regenerate like you used to see in those science fiction movies. There are herbs that trigger the body to make more stem cells in the bone marrow.

This is a formulation of an interesting product I came across through a dear healer friend. Let’s take a look.

Madagascan Aloe Macrolada – this beautiful herb has been used to treat ailments for thousands of years. Madagascar contains a species unique to the island that has been proven to mobilize bone marrow stem cells and increase the number circulating stem cells by an average of 40% (roughly 5 million stem cells).

Tibetan Sea Buckthorn – Native to Tibet, contains a concentrated source of flavonoids and polyphenols and this extract of sea buckthorn berry was documented to trigger bone marrow stem cell mobilization and increase the number of circulating stem cells by 33% alone.

Klamath Blue-Green Algae – A freshwater algae containing 65+ vitamins, minerals and amino acids and documented to trigger stem cell mobilization from the bone marrow.

L-Theanine – A naturally occurring amino acid that promotes mood regulation, relieves stress, and improves focus

Goji Extract – A super fruit that reduces oxidative stress and prevents free radicals from damaging DNA, lipids, and proteins

Black Rice Extract – Known as the “Forbidden Rice” because it was reserved exclusively for the Chinese emperor and royal family due to its nutritional profile and healing abilities, black rice is a source of anthocyanins and antioxidants. Anthocyanins are a group of antioxidants found in red, blue, and purple fruits and vegetables. A diet rich in these compounds may prevent inflammation and protect against type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Regularly eating anthocyanin-rich foods may also benefit your memory and overall brain health.

Coffee Bean Extract – An ingredient that is abundant in chlorogenic acids, compounds with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, that may provide many health benefits.

This particular formulation (there are just a select few on the market that address increasing the number of your own circulating stem cells) is from a product called StemActive. I was introduced to this a few months ago and, as is usually the case when someone turns me on to a product, if I find it’s interesting, I do research. If I still think it’s interesting, I’m the guinea pig. I’ve been the guinea pig for about three months now and I am really liking it. I am better educated now about the importance of generating more of my own stem cells, as you are now, too. I feel good on this product and that is an important test for me. And, it’s actually fun to take. It does come in capsules, which is fine and does the job for those who prefer that, but you also have the option of choosing sachets filled with this delicious liquid gel, made from the juice of berries along with the special ingredients. It’s easy to carry with you and is effective. I’m hearing reports of feeling more energy, curbing hunger although that’s not what’s intended and more focus, clarity, calm. I am feeling more energy, more calm, more focus.

Our Pets


Because customers were opening the capsules of this human product and putting it into their pets’ food or, in the case of one dying fish, into his tank (he miraculously completely recovered from what ailed him in three weeks), the company came up with a pet product that works for dogs, cats, horses and many other types of animals. It’s called StemActive Pets. Another way we can share getting healthier with our animals.

The pet formulation is a bit different and has a proprietary, extra-strength blend of curcumin called Curcumin BioBDMC for joint and connective tissue health. It also has the Blue Green Algae, and Glucosomine HCl which stimulates stem cell production while protecting their muscles and joints. Like us, as our pets age, they, too, produce fewer and fewer stem cells, compromising their immune systems. So, for seniors especially, it is extremely important to find ways like this to support their bodies.

It’s never just one thing, right? There are several ways to increase the number of circulating stem cells in our bodies. Finding which  or what combination works best for you is the key. Don’t put it off. Doing this is critical to help avoid illness and dis-ease and increase longevity for you and your beautiful pets.

Those interested in trying StemActive or StemActive Pets:


StemActive Pets

To our best health ever! 🫴🐾



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