Imagine this: your beloved dog or cat is limping in pain, and you wince with every step. It’s one of the most challenging situations pet parents face and so often are at a loss as to what to do. Running to the vet and taking their cue prescribing pharmaceuticals is often the result. Sometimes, that is exactly the right course of action. Oftentimes, natural pain relief is easier on the body, stimulates the body to heal itself and doesn’t have any of the fall out prescription medicine has. So, what is a natural pain reliever you can use with your pet, so you can stop seeing them in pain? Finding the ever-growing bridges of natural solutions for us and our pets is a bonding experience, it’s efficient, effective and more economical. So, let’s unpack this! 🙌🏻
1. Turmeric (Curcumin)
Yes, everyone’s talking turmeric, so it’s not so new! And, that’s because it works. As an anti-inflammatory, it’s wonderful for you, your dog, your cat (in more limited quantities). Curcumin is the secret sauce in turmeric, the active ingredient that helps reduce the inflammation and, therefore, pain associated with arthritis and other joint issues. It doesn’t end there! There’s continuing research on the effects of curcumin on Crohn’s disease, certain cancers, depression, diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome.
How To Give: Sprinkle a small amount on your pet’s food or look for pet-friendly turmeric supplements.
For you, there are a couple of products I’ve found I really like. They include Curalieve by Integrative Nutritionals and Turiva by Ortho Molecular. I’ve seen results with Curalieve personally, and have heard from customers at the wellness center I’m in that they have had successes with Turiva. Sprinkling an organic turmeric on foods you’re cooking as a spice is also good as a maintenance anti-inflammatory.
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
This is a tricky one because my concern is what’s inside the bottle. Is the oil rancid, which means more inflammation for your pet. Is it well-sourced, meaning the most bio-available (the body can recognize and use it easily) and are any toxins like heavy metals removed? This is why my favorite way to get very bio-available, very nutritious and delicious omega 3’s into my pets through food.
How To Give: Crumbling some canned in water, no salt or spices added sardines or mackerel on their food is wonderful. This is not only great for reducing inflammation and helping with pain, but also has a ton of wonderful vitamins and minerals that support vibrant health. These fatty acids work to combat chronic pain caused by conditions such as arthritis or hip dysplasia, and add the benefit of overall skin and coat health.
For you, if you like sardines, mackerel, anchovies, salmon, they are great go to’s to get your Omega 3’s. For additional supplementation, it is my suggestion to do your research and find one where the source is from small, fatty fish that are completely detoxed from heavy metals and other toxins.
3. Hawthorn (Crataegus)
Hawthorn is a powerful herb traditionally used to support cardiovascular health. Its anti-inflammatory properties also make it great for pets dealing with pain, especially in cases where heart health is a concern. It can improve blood circulation, enhance digestion and reduce oxidative stress, which is helpful for aging pets or those recovering from injury. Oxidative stress is a significant root cause of all dis-ease and incorporating safe and powerful antioxidants into your and your pets’ diets is so important today, especially with the level of environmental toxins we all are dealing with.
How To Give: There are several ways. You can steep organic hawthorn berry tea and give a teaspoon mixed in food or via syringe by mouth, twice a day. You can also find one of the many supplements that focus on or include hawthorn in it. Only Natural Pet and Pet Wellbeing are two brands I trust that do make these supplements.
For you, drinking hawthorn berry tea regularly is a great heart tonic and inflammation buster.
4. Boswellia Serrata
Boswellia Serrata, also known as Indian frankincense, has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for its anti-inflammatory benefits, treating ulcerative colitis, coughs, sores, wound healing, and asthma. It works by inhibiting the production of certain enzymes that trigger inflammation, making it a natural alternative for managing joint pain in pets, especially those suffering from arthritis. There are specific formulations for pets that include boswellia serrata, like Dr. Marty Free & Active and Standard Process MediHerb Boswellia Complex.
How To Give: follow instructions on the labels of a pet-centric supplement.
For you: look for a supplement that contains at least 60% boswellic acid to be effective, as per The Arthritis Foundation, and make sure the inactive ingredients don’t have things you don’t want like gelatin, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide or talc.
5. Ginger
Ginger is another powerful anti-inflammatory that can be used for both humans and pets to reduce pain and stiffness, particularly in pets suffering from arthritis or digestive issues. Ginger can also improve blood circulation and help with nausea and digestive discomfort, making it a versatile supplement for pets and great to have around the house for you both.
How To Give (for you and them): Using a small piece of the organic ginger root to steep in hot water for several minutes then cooled to room temp, makes a great “tea” you can give a teaspoon of into food or 1-3 mls’ directly into the mouth, and you can do this 3-4 times a day when there’s a digestive upset for sure. There is also a nice ginger tincture in a glycerin suspension that also works well.
6. C60 (Carbon 60)
C60 is the most potent antioxidant not made by the body, coming in at 172 – 270 times more powerful than vitamin C or E. It’s been gaining in popularity in recent years for its remarkable ability to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. While research is still ongoing, many pet parents have reported positive effects when using C60 for chronic pain, inflammation, and even age-related conditions. And, these benefits and more are being experienced by the pet parents themselves as this, too, is a supplement you can share with your dog or cat. It helps protect cells from oxidative damage, which could reduce pain and inflammation by freeing up the body to heal itself. There are gel caps for people or dogs (larger dogs have been known to catch them like treats and eat) and a pump bottle to mix into your pet’s food, as well.
How To Give (for you and them): Follow instructions on the label. In times of flare up or bouts of pain, you can up the dosage. Toxicology tests over years have found no toxicity levels for people or pets of Carbon60. My experience with this is solely with the Pure Bella Vita C60 Complete gel caps, C60 Black Seed Oil gel caps and the C60 Live pump bottle for pets. For more information on C60.
7. GSH
GSH is the abbreviation for glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant. It is the most powerful antioxidant made inside the body and we know that stimulating the clearing out of environmental toxins is a critical way to help avoid dis-ease. There is a particular GSH product, as there are many, many on the market, that I am very impressed with because of its formulation and the additional healing ingredients it contains.
It’s called GSH by a company called Provizion. What makes Provizion GSH particularly powerful are the additional key ingredients—Aloe Acemannan and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). What are these little-known substances that stimulate profound healing in the body?
- Aloe Acemannan: This is a compound derived from aloe vera. Aloe supports immune health, reduces inflammation, and promotes healing, so it is a great pain reliever, both chronic and acute, and has stimulated great results in people and pets with injury, arthritis, surgery recovery and maintaining optimal health overall .
Acemannan works by activating macrophages, a type of white blood cell that helps in fighting infections and repairing tissue. It’s also been shown to improve gastrointestinal health, which can be helpful if your pet is dealing with digestive issues related to stress or illness.
- Superoxide Dismutase (SOD): SOD is a powerful enzyme that neutralizes superoxide, one of the most damaging free radicals in the body. That immediately got my attention! SOD protects cells from damage and helps reduce inflammation, pain, and signs of aging. Who doesn’t want to reduce all of these? For pets and people with chronic pain conditions, especially those related to inflammation (like arthritis), SOD provides an extra layer of protection, helping their bodies recover more efficiently.
The Provizion formulation also provides strong and enhanced immune support and the combined antioxidant effects promote a healthier liver, improved cellular function and stimulates overall vitality. My 12yo Chihuahua, Anabelle (Ani), in just one week on GSH started bouncing around like a puppy. She is happier, much more vivacious and youthful. For me, it is a foundational supplement for my youthful aging, overall wellbeing and strong immune system.
I am able to let go of other supplements also included in the GSH by Provizion formulation, too, which becomes more economical. For more information on GSH by Provizion.
How To Give: one of the many beautiful things about our animals is their bodies respond more sensitively to supplements than we might. Even large dogs only need 1/4 to 1/2 a capsule of GSH by Provizion, mixed in their food once a day. If your pet is suffering from a chronic or acute pain condition, you can start with 1/2 to 1 capsule for two weeks then go down to 1/4 to 1/2. Please reach out directly for more info.
For you: the recommended dose is one capsule for every ten years of age. However, at 69, I take two capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon and I find that is my sweet spot. Because we’re all bio-individual, you can find your own sweet spot where you feel great.
8. Frequency Healing
Frequency healing is a form of energy medicine that uses sound waves and frequencies to promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation. Frequency healing was discovered in the 1940’s by Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and then Royal Raymond Rife. The concept is that everything in the body, including cells and tissues, has a natural frequency, because we are all made up of energy and energy vibrates on a frequency. When these frequencies are disrupted (due to illness or injury), it leads to discomfort or disease. By restoring the body’s natural frequencies through sound waves or electromagnetic therapies, people and pets can experience relief from chronic pain, anxiety, and inflammation. Devices like the Solex AO Scanner, which I use in my practice, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy and sound frequency generators are becoming more common in holistic health care and achieving beautiful results. For more information on frequency healing.
9. Stem Cell Activation
Stem cell activation is a cutting-edge therapy that is gaining traction in both human and veterinary medicine. Instead of introducing external stem cells, this therapy works by stimulating you or pet’s own stem cells to activate, generate and repair damaged tissues. This method has shown promise in treating conditions like arthritis, joint pain, and other degenerative diseases. By naturally encouraging the body’s healing process, stem cell activation helps reduce inflammation and restore mobility, making it an excellent option for people or pets with chronic pain or injuries. There are both injection-based therapies and supplements designed to stimulate stem cell activity in us and our pets. Injections are very costly and are introducing stems into the body externally, which is also called exogenous. I prefer endogenous, meaning, stimulating the body to make more of its own. This way, the stems are easily recognizable to the body and because the stem cells are unassigned stems, they go to wherever they are needed, become part of that organ system and begin repairing and restoring. How perfect and amazingly wonderful the body is when we just get out of its way!
The stem cell activator product for people I use and love is called StemActive. I love it because it has very limited ingredients and is pure, clean. I love that I have the option of taking capsules or a delicious gel I can squeeze into my mouth and off I go. Can you tell that’s the one I choose to do? LOL. More on the importance of stem cell activation, especially as we age, in a future post.
For our pets, and I’m talking about pets of all kinds, StemActive Pets is a great option for activating stem cells to manage and heal painful conditions. Because the stems will go where they are most needed, they start to heal those most prominent health issues affecting the body most profoundly, then work their way through each of the other issues. Stem cell activation is an ongoing process you will want to keep you and your pets on, especially as you both age.
For me, stem cell activation using StemActive is a part of daily foundational supplement protocol.
For more information on stem cell activation.
How To Give: StemActive Pets – on the package the dosage is broken down by your pet’s weight. Give as directed. In the throes of an acute painful condition, can give more and then come back to recommended dosage.
For you: The option of capsules or gel sachets are taken as directed on the package.
10. Homeopathy
If you know me, you know I am a homeopathy geek. This elegant art meets science form of medicine that has been around for over 250 years, has provided me and my family with such beautiful healings over the past 35 years. As a lifetime student of the practice and using it in my own practice, I’ve developed the knowledge and skill to help others – humans and pets – to move through conditions, illnesses and dis-ease. What exactly is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a holistic approach that uses highly diluted and energized substances to stimulate the body’s healing response. Commonly used for humans, homeopathy can also be applied to pets for a range of issues, including pain management, inflammation, and emotional stress. Remedies like Rhus toxicodendron for joint pain, Arnica montana for injury recovery, and Hypericum perforatum for nerve pain are widely used in veterinary homeopathy. Ignatia amara is commonly used to move through grief for people and pets. The key to homeopathic treatments is individualization—choosing the right remedy based on you or your pet’s specific and complete symptom picture, including behavior, and overall health.
I’ve taught acute prescribing to students of mine over the years. Chronic prescribing should be done by an experienced homeopath. For more information on booking a homeopathic consultation.
Using natural pain relievers for you and your pet is about finding what works best bio-individually, based on specific needs. If you are introducing new supplements or therapies, feel free to reach out regarding safety for your individual animals and absolutely talk with your vet. Sadly, most vets are totally unfamiliar with many of these therapies and, therefore, often just say no to protect themselves. With herbs which have active ingredients, you will want to make sure there are no contraindications with any medications you or your animal may be taking. With homeopathy, there are no active ingredients and homeopathy is not contraindicated with any medications or other therapies. Same with frequency healing.
Natural remedies are a wonderful way to offer relief, sometimes quite quickly, without the potential side effects of conventional medications, and they can deepen the connection between you and your pet as you care for their well-being in a holistic way.
Feel free to reach out to me directly for a deeper conversation at